Net-Snmp on Ubuntu

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I'm actually working/customizing net-snmp to work on a MIPS board. I've found that Ubuntu (running in VirutalBox) provides a good prototyping area. To share what I've learned, I'm creating these pages.

Getting the sources

You can download the latest sources of net-snmp from here,

Main net-snmp Download Page

Setting the Environment

I advise you to start off with a fresh install of the Ubuntu Desktop edition. Don't worry - we won't really need the GUI, but if you are a beginner, it will be useful. Now, open up a terminal window and create a projects directory,

>mkdir projects
>cd projects

The purpose of the "projects" directory is an organizational measure. I like keeping all the code I work with separate from my "Download" or "Document" or "Home" folders (just messy, doing that). And "abru" is my username (short for Abraham).

Now we need to move the source tarball into the projects folder. If you haven't downloaded it yet, you can download the sources with the "wget" command,
